Saturday, February 13, 2010


Ethan ate his poop yesterday. Seriously he did. At first, I looked at him and thought, "Wow, I didn't know vomit could be green." Then I realized the green stuff was all over his hands, face, and legs. Oops, yeah, poop isn't food sweetie. No more to say ...just that he ate his poop.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Superbowl 2010

Well, if you know me well, you know I am obsessed with football! I have been counting down the HOURS until the Superbowl.

Haha, yeah right. I do however love to socialize, so I was pretty excited to go to a Superbowl party with our friends the Myers. The best part: the food (of course).

The spread. It was seriously amazing. I have a lot of working out to do this week :)

Seriously the biggest fish I've ever seen, in a fish tank. This picture doesn't do it justice, but the owner said it's 5 years old. I didn't even know they lived that long!

Cute family pic ...sorry it's a weird angle, I took it. As you can see, Ethan is staring at the TV. I don't know if it's possible yet, but I think he really likes football.

Ethan Crawled ..Finally!

Last Thursday Ethan finally decided to show me his crawling skills. It was one of the most exciting moments of my life! Sure, it was pretty scrappy - not usual crawling on hands and knees - but I'll take it!

Who knew a little blue ball could be so motivating?

Ethan's face right after he crawled for the first time. He's playing it smooth.

Video of Ethan afterward. SO precious!

This Day is Bananas!

Ethan LOVES his bananas. But does that really surprise anyone that he enjoys his food? I mean, come on.. he's huge.

Ethan enjoying the wonderfulness of fruit..

Lay off me I'm starving!

Ethan spent the morning with Daddy, who let him on the bed. He promptly peed all over it.

Instead of kisses, I get Ethan trying to scratch my eyes out.