So, I was blog-stalking yesterday and found this amazing idea! Basically, you take a subject, like what your name is, then you input it on Flickr and choose one of the pictures that pops up! Here's what I came up with for Billy and I:

High School Attended
Riggs High School

Ok, this wasn't the high school I went to, but it looks pretty cool!
Greene High School

This obviously isn't Billy's school either, but he said everyone in his small town was a bit weird, and so is this picture.
Favorite Color
Celebrity Crush
Eric Dane

Seriously, who wouldn't crush on this guy?
Rachel McAdams

Billy wouldn't admit to crushing on her... but after much provocation, he finally said she's a "good" actress. Whatever. I guess he's smart.
Favorite Disney Princess

I was obsessed with this movie as a girl! On that note, I would love to watch this movie again..

Favorite Drink
Diet Mountain Dew

On a side note, this wrapper is in the shape of a deer! I guess people have way too much time on their hands.
Coke Zero

Dream Vacation

How awesome would Venice be?? Can't wait.

Billy didn't know this was my pick - and I didn't know this was his dream destination either. I guess we are just meant to be :)
Favorite Dessert

Dream Career
Social Worker

Haha seriously - can you believe this turned up for "attorney?" I had to choose this one!
What do you love most in life?