No, I'm not excited that I just took a shower, although that is one of the most exciting parts of my day. My neighbor Lauren threw me a baby shower this last month and it was such a great time! I had family and friends come, AND they brought gifts. Also, Lauren and her husband Nels made the BEST food in the whole world. If I had money and they were chefs, I would hire them to make me food every day; however, it is Wal-Mart and Winco from here forward.
Lauren actually made a diaper cake!

Of course I had to add photos of the food! It included so many different things, but what I liked the best was the endless chocolate covered strawberries. I'm pretty sure Stephanie (the other pregnant lady) and I ate them the WHOLE TIME! They were amazingly delicious.

We played the guessing game where people cut a piece of string that they think is the same size as my belly. Most people over-estimated, which I did NOT appreciate!

Mary actually got it right on the nose! She was absolutely perfect; therefore, we were able to stay friends.

All of these girls are former friends because they measured too big.

Christy is on the BLACK list because I'm pretty sure she measured double the size of my belly! I'm really trying to work on that whole forgiveness thing!

Here are some of the other girls at the shower. Don't know what I would do without the friends I have here in Salem!

Thanks so much Lauren for throwing me the perfect shower. It was such a blast - also, since you are my neighbor I am going to issue a premature apology for when/if Ethan keeps you up at night. My bad!
Kera! I wish I could have been there for your baby shower! You look so darling with your huge prego belly!
And by the way...what a terrible friend am I?!?! I totally forgot your birthday! (Im blaming it on being pregnant because I seem to be losing my mind lately). Im so sorry! Happy belated Birthday!
Fun! I wish you guys were closer so we could do all the baby stuff together :)
What's this? My blog-stalker doesn't even invite me to her baby shower? RUDE! If you're gonna stalk me, the least you can do is make me bring you presents, right? Jeesh... whatev!
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