Ahhh....so I am still working on finishing my stupid degree. If we had just stayed in Provo for one more year I would have finished at BYU with time to spare before Ethan arrived. However, I worked it out so that I just take classes up here at the wonderful Chemeketa Community college, which I can then transfer back to BYU for credit. The only problem is that Chemeketa has terms, which are just a bit shorter than BYU semesters, so every credit I take there only counts as .6 credits at BYU, which means I have to take TWICE the classes I would have had to take in the first place!
Also, did I mention Chemeketa is full of weirdos, some of which scare me? To start off with, my journalism class had several ex-cons, one guy who told me he wanted to be an "erotic photographer" as well as for me to give him a Book of Mormon, and an anarchist who defended child molesters. That's just one class people. In my Study Skills Class - which was torture I might add - one lady admitted to me that she thought the class was actually a study hall. Like, in high school when you had quiet time to do your homework - she thought she would get 3 credits to sit down and have quiet time to do homework! Then there was my Psychology class with the dude that wanted to talk publicly about his serious depression issues, and the girl who always wanted to talk about her anxiety and what meds she was currently taking - in a class with like 50 students.
Can I just say this was a whole different world compared to BYU! I didn't realize how good I had it until I lost that intellectual atmosphere. It really does make me cringe at the thought of doing one last term at Chemeketa...I really don't want to feel annoyed everyday when I think of going to class. I had one class - my Chicano Studies class - that I literally dreaded all week until Saturday mornings when I had it. I would count the number of days in my head every time I thought about that class. My professor was a crazy-person who carried around his thesis so everyone could see it, and then always asked me uncomfortable questions because I was the only white person in the class. Luckily my classmates were super nice or I think I would have dropped the course.
Done with the negatives, on to the positives:
Chemeketa is a piece of cake (at least the classes I took). I didn't even buy my books for most of my classes...but I think my teachers were just so glad someone would actually come to class and pay attention that they gave me good grades. In one of my classes she even had open-note tests! In several of them I didn't even have a final - it made life a lot less stressful, that's for sure.
Ok, well that's the only positive I can think of, but it doesn't matter, I need to finish this degree already! ....sorry, I needed to rant. I feel better now :)