So Billy and I both teach primary Sunday school classes, and every week we always come away with one or two quotes that are just a crack up! Today the blue ribbon goes to...... Calvin!

Here is a picture of the little guy. He is so hilarious! While Billy was teaching the 8-9-year-olds about Joseph Smith in Liberty jail, Calvin raised his hand and very somberly asked: "Have I ever told you the story about Hitler?" He then went on to explain ALL about nazis and what happened. Haha...priceless! I love these little kids!
And this was the perfect antidote to my tears!! Isn't the little man such a crack up??? OH he is a handful sometimes, but OH how I love him!!! This made me laugh out loud, and thanks for telling me about it and asking first. I'm glad to share his kookiness with the world! :)
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