My husband has to stay at school late for some (stupid) mock trial thing they do at law school to prepare them for the real world. I know that it gives them experience, but I really hate it! So I decided to write a poem. It's a horrible one, but it sure did make me feel a lot better.
I hate moot court a lot
I wish that you would be shot
In the head
So that you were dead
You suck away all my husband's time
And for what? Just so that I can whine?
You make me so very mad
that it's impossible for me to be glad
I hate you and you obviously hate me
Soon I'll have my husband back and then you'll see
that you suck.
Oh, Kera. I'm sorry you hate it so much. But it really does give them good experience! (I know you don't care.) Hopefully you can do something fun can finish your puzzle! :)
You know...It's pretty funny and ironic to read your poem and be listening to "Power In His Touch" at the same time!
I kind of know the feeling. Not the whole mock trial and law school part, but during our summers in Idaho when Eric was working on the farm, he'd be gone before I got up for the day and wouldn't get home until after I'd already gone to bed. It was terrible!
Sophie just spit up everywhere.. got to go. Let's get together sometime in the next week though!
hahaha, I LOVE it!!!! It's like a little hate limerick! Good on ya, girl, way to vent. I hear ya! :)
And YES, I am still in my jammies. Woke up feeling like crap. So no, I'm not walking with you and no I'm not even getting my oil changed or getting my Nike+ kit. I'm having a Jim Gaffigan morning-- when you have so much to do that it makes you so tired just thinking about it that it makes you want to go take a nap. BLEAH. There, go write a hate limerick about that! ;)
You. Rock.
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