We celebrated Billy's 30th Birthday this last Thursday, and we ended up having a blast! If you ever wonder what it's like to be older than dirt, just ask my husband ;)

I had too much fun at the Party Depot.

Notice the Grim Reeper..

Ethan gets so excited when Daddy comes home!

Ethan loves going to Red Robin. Soo many people to flirt with.

See? Ethan's obsessed with Billy.

The Meyers joined in the festivities, dressed in black in honor of Billy's impending funeral.

This mascot seriously creeps me out.

The servers brought this makeshift balloon hat for Billy to wear. You can't see it in the picture, but it really freaked Ethan out and he started screaming! It was priceless.

Evidence that Ethan ate most of Billy's free sundae.

Posing with his super sweet cake.

Billy didn't make a wish. He's such a guy. Here's to another great 30 years baby!
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