He rolled over tonight! So for quite some time I've been a little worried about my little guy. As a mother it is so hard not to compare you child to everyone else, but SERIOUSLY, all the babies I know have been rolling over for a LONG TIME already! And what was more troubling than him not rolling over was the fact that he didn't seem to care. So....yesterday I started putting his toys out of reach so he'd at least have to work a little if he wanted to play with them. Looks like it paid off! I'm so proud of my little man!
Included are pictures of him right after it happened...
He doesn't look very surprised or happy, so I'm not sure if he really knows how huge rolling over is!
It's so hard not to take those things personally when our kids don't hit those milestones right when or how we think they're supposed to, but it gets easier... they figure it out eventually and then we realize all that sweating bullets we did was fer nuthin! Calvin never did figure out how to crawl, until after he could walk... instead he did the army crawl on his stomach, and he was FAST! You know how it is... to each their own!
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