Several weekends ago in church, the subject of family was brought up - shocker! What was said was extremely thought-provoking. It was mentioned that our family is our most prized possession; as such, we should TREAT them like our most prized possession.
How many of us sometimes treat our friends with more kindness than the people we live with? Or our parents and siblings? I definitely have this problem - so quick to snap at Billy, when I would never be that way with a friend. I decided that day that I wanted to change the way I treat my family. I have in no way been perfect since then - but I can say that our lives are better and happier since making that resolution.
I still can't figure out how to attach Youtube videos, but here is a link to President Monson's talk on what matters most:

"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." - Thomas S. Monson
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