Saturday, November 8, 2008

Boy or Girl?

Well, Billy and I find out what the sex of our baby is in December (just a month away)! With this impending discovery, everyone seems to have their opinion of what the baby will be. Mostly, everyone thinks our baby will be a boy. Maybe I am alone in feeling this way, but I kind of feel slighted that someone ELSE would have more intuition of what my baby will be when I have absolutely no feelings one way or the other. With that said, I thought it would be funny to see how many people think it will be a boy versus how many people think it will be a girl. And ARE the pros and cons for either one? I was thinking if it's a girl I get to dress her up in pretty bows and tutus and poofy dresses, but if it's a boy I get to dress him up like a little gap model. If anyone has any opinions, please let me know! We will definitely keep everyone updated when we find out EXACTLY what we are having!