Saturday, November 8, 2008

Boy or Girl?

Well, Billy and I find out what the sex of our baby is in December (just a month away)! With this impending discovery, everyone seems to have their opinion of what the baby will be. Mostly, everyone thinks our baby will be a boy. Maybe I am alone in feeling this way, but I kind of feel slighted that someone ELSE would have more intuition of what my baby will be when I have absolutely no feelings one way or the other. With that said, I thought it would be funny to see how many people think it will be a boy versus how many people think it will be a girl. And ARE the pros and cons for either one? I was thinking if it's a girl I get to dress her up in pretty bows and tutus and poofy dresses, but if it's a boy I get to dress him up like a little gap model. If anyone has any opinions, please let me know! We will definitely keep everyone updated when we find out EXACTLY what we are having!


Denisha Oldroyd said...

I'm pretty sure that it's going to be a boy too! I'm usually right about these things, but i have been wrong before! If he's a boy, it's okay if you drop him a few times while you are learning to be a mommy! AND... if you have a boy first, you dont have to worry about paying thousands and thousands of dollars for a wedding! (that is Alex's explanation!) I'm so excited to find out!

Shauna said...

I hope you get a little girl! She will be so pretty and fun to dress up! You're going to be such a good mom, Kera! And Billy's gonna be such a great dad!

Herring Family said...

I think you will have a girl!!! It is fun to dress them up!!

Stefanie Cross said...

Ted and I hope you have a girl and a boy! Ha ha...though I think you would know already if you were having twins! We don't know personally but from what we have heard, a girl is easy young but hard in her teens, and a boy is harder young but easier. That is all I have heard though...sorry we can't be of more help.

We just want you to have a healthy baby!