Sunday, April 25, 2010


Normally I stay out of politics on a public forum because I realize what a sensitive topic it is, but I feel the need to voice my opinion tonight. Last night Billy and I watched a documentary on healthcare, and it really helped open my eyes to what is going on in our country. If you and your family are generally healthy, you probably have never given much though to how good your insurance is, but as someone who lives with MS, this is always in the back of my mind. When will I get sick next, and how much will it cost me?

When someone is handed a diagnosis like this, should monetary consequences bog them down? Should I worry about what will happen to my healthcare when Billy and I are out of school, knowing that insurance companies will not accept me due to my pre-existing condition?

I'm not sure if the bill that was passed will make everything roses in our country. In fact, I'm sure it won't make everything wonderful again. However, I'm glad that someone finally decided something needs to change with our health care system. I live with hope that one day our country will be able to figure out a good system that will benefit the citizens, not just the insurance companies (a billion dollar industry).


Mary-Anne said...

I agree 100%! Of course, you probably already knew that, but still. Just thought I'd let you know again. :)

Tamara said...

Right on, girlie. So, just thunk me on the head if this is the wrong forum for this, but could you take a moment and explain MS to us a bit? How do you know you have it, and when were you diagnosed?

Unknown said...

Nicely said.
If you want some entertainment, ask Grandpa what he thinks about the reform, or Obama in general.

Tim Kaspar