I have seen this a bit on Facebook, and thought it would be fun to blog about music that had an impact on me throughout the years! Now, don't make fun. This isn't necessarily a compilation of my all-time favorite music, but more of an example of how music has impacted me in chronological order. The journey starts with:

Jewel: Pieces of Me album. I was 13 when I purchased this at the mall - my VERY first CD purchase. I came home and listened to it over and over and over again. I loved every song on it, and would listen to each repeatedly while typing the lyrics to send to my "boyfriend" from camp. I'm sure he was just as moved by it as I was :) This really was my introduction to how much I loved music, and I started listening to the radio once I bought this CD, which opened up a WORLD of musical possibilities!

Britney Spears: Baby One More Time hit me in 8th grade. How could I not include this in my selection? I loved everything Britney - I wanted to BE Britney! Her "Sometimes" video totally spoke to me! I even watched the video enough to memorize all the dance moves - and then yes, I performed them at church dances. I'm so embarrassed for myself!

I'm sure this might be confusing, as this follows Jewel and Britney Spears, but Dave Matthews' album made me realize there was more to music than pop. Dave has a questionable voice, but his lyrics and use of instruments is moving. My friends and I were obsessed with this album, and it seemed we always had this in the background while hanging out.

This album came out when I was 20, and I was at such a difficult point in my life. This album was all about learning how to stand up for yourself and, more importantly, about hating on men - which I fully supported at the time! It was therapeutic to listen to. Plus, she has a flawless voice. So much fun to sing a long with!

Unlike Kelly's album, I started listen to Fray's How to save a life just as life was looking up for me. I had just started dating Billy again, and I had started to go back to college in Provo. It wasn't so much the lyrics or anything that moved me, but the feel of the music. To this day, I can't listen to it without getting that warm feeling of how every thing's going to be alright!

Billy introduced me to Dave Barnes, and we even had one of his songs as our wedding song. I included him because this is when I learned to love again. Like The Fray, I included Dave because his album brings me back to a pivotal point in my life.

A little out of place maybe? Lady Gaga is an artist that has helped me branch out in my music selection. She's completely weird and out there, not afraid to take risks, which I feel is so important in life. Plus, how can you listen to her and not want to "Just dance?"
I'd love for anyone else to join in on this Music Experiment!
Ahh....I like this post. I love music too. Maybe I'll do this same thing. Now you've got me thinking about all the music that has impacted me throughout my life. :)
I love this post, it definitely brought back memories. I started thinking about doing a post like this, but then I realized I would have the hardest time narrowing down the choices. I used to be a little obsessed with music.
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