If you know me well, you know I LOVE the zoo! Oddly enough, I've lived here for 2 years and haven't visited the one in Portland yet. When Mema was in town for Labor Day, we decided it was time.

Us trying to entertain E.. but he was SO BORED!

Group pic with the kids.

Billy trying to entertain E by putting him on his shoulders. Billy in pain from all the pulling and tugging on his hair!

If you read this, you'll learn why I don't go camping.

My absolute favorite part of the zoo! I could've stayed there for hours.

Precious pic of Mema and babes. Mema's smart and always wears necklaces so she can get up close and personal with the E-dawg.
Fun!! The Portland Zoo was on my Bucket List to do before we left, but we never made it. :( I love the zoo, too.
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