Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wow That's Embarrassing

Thought I would compile a list of my most embarrassing moments...

Peeing my pants coming home from Kindergarten. I used to have a real issue with public bathrooms, so I would try to avoid peeing at school.

Jenny Sampson telling me I smelled like pooh in the 2nd grade. We are best friends now - crazy!

Getting made fun of CONSTANTLY for being Mormon. My personal favorite: "How many wives is your husband gonna have?" - Never got old guys...

Lee Smith told me he didn't want to be "with" me (we were in like, 6th grade) because my clothes weren't cool enough.

Everytime someone told me the word "gullible" was written on the wall - and I looked.

Being chosen to be a "student director" for our town children's play. Basically this meant you were too horrible to act .... in a CHILDREN's play! I told them I had a modeling job (which I didn't) and I wouldn't have time anyway.

The time Brian Murphy asked me if I got hit by the ugly stick.

I wrote a speech for the DARE program (everyone in my class wrote one, and the best speech would be chosen for the DARE concert night), and I chose most of my words from the dictionary. I honestly thought the longer the word, the better the speech. I couldn't even pronounce half of them was awful. Even more awful - I really thought I'd win!

One year at camp, my friend and I wanted to lay out and get some rays. Afterward, when we were at the cafeteria for dinner, I realized we'd been laying out in front of the windows. We must have looked like such hussies laying out in front of the entire camp!

The night before graduation, I tripped and fell INTO our glass coffee table. I just kind of stayed there, because I remembered this lady I knew who said she had to get stitches in her butt because of glass. Turns out my butt was fine, but my arm wasn't. The next day, everyone kept asking about my arm, and I had to say that I tripped in my own house. Dumb story. Eventually I just started to sensationalize it by making up stories.

My friend Andrea and I were constantly making "your mama" jokes. I decided to do that to someone in one of my classes - unfortunately his response was, "My mom's dead." Turns out she really was.

Falling UP the stairs working at SkyWest - while holding two cups of crushed ice. The ice went everywhere and my shoes fell down the stairs. I had to get up, gather myself, and find my shoes.

While working one day, I was walking up the stairs and noticed something felt funny. All of a sudden, I realized I had underwear stuck in my pants, and they were about to come out of my pant leg. I ended up limping all the way to my desk!

Biffing it in Wal-Mart with Petra, who then pointed and laughed. I was holding chips, which somehow ended up underneath me. I ended up buying them because I felt bad for crushing them.

So I went out with this guy named Luke a couple times, but turns out he was really creepy, so I just started ignoring his phone calls. Well, one day I decided to call my COUSIN Luke, but actually ended up calling creepy Luke - one of the most awkward conversations.

Biffing it in Safeway after Ethan was born. Probably the most embarrassing fall because everyone wanted to know if I was ok. I would much rather people point and laugh!


Mary-Anne said...

Oh, dear. I had no idea you've had so many embarrassing moments in your life!! I'm sorry. I hate getting embarrassed. At least you can laugh about it now though, right? :)

Shauna said...

hahaha! Wow, you've had a lot of embarrasing moments! Those kids growing up werent so nice to you! Just so you know, I would have been your friend even if you did smell like poo and were hit by the ugly stick! :)

Tamara said...

OH Kera, this is why I love you so much!!! These are freaking AWESOME!!

Chelsea Russell said...

Oh Kera,

I also peed my pants on the way home from school (I was in first grade) because of the same fear. And, when Dan teases me and asks me questions, I almost respond "your mom". Dan's mom died of breast cancer, so I am scared that one day I will not be so restrained and accidentally say it.

Kids can be super mean, but I am glad you are above it.