Saturday, June 13, 2009

First Bath

The last couple days with Ethan have been a blast, full of milestones that are happening almost too quickly! The other day I realized we don't have to give Ethan sponge-baths anymore (duh!), but that we can submerge him in water and let him kick around before bedtime. Well, I got excited about making this a part of his nightly routine, thinking it would be fun for both of us, but also that he might sleep better. Hmmm...

This is Ethan pre-bath time. He kind of liked the freedom of not having a diaper on and being wrapped up in a towel.

This is Ethan when we first put him in the tub. He was really confused at first and didn't know what to do with himself. Then he decided he definitely did NOT like it, and we had to finish the bath as soon as possible!

This is a pic of Billy trying to wash Ethan off quickly and me being a pest wanting to document this momentous occasion! Haha...this picture is just priceless - it definitely depicts how Ethan was feeling at that moment in time!

Also....bedtime was NOT a soothing experience that put him right to sleep. He was up for another 2 hours after that suffering trauma from us sticking him in the bathtub. Apparently the lesson is to not traumatize my child before bed..


Mary-Anne said...

Hahaha...hopefully he will learn to like baths more. That last picture is priceless. :)

Tamara said...

I LOVE the last photo! Don't worry, he'll get used to it as he gets older. I liked the suggestion at the baby shower, about wrapping the baby in a receiving blanket that's in warm water, so they don't get cold. We also used to have a big, baby-sized contoured sponge thingy for our babies to lay on in their little baby tub, and that helped... sorry, not sure what else to try! Although I will say our babies LOVED going in the shower with us. It's a little nerve-wracking at first, because those little naked wet buns on your arm are slippery! But our guys liked it, anyway.