Monday, June 1, 2009

Melody's 26th Par-tay!

Our good friend Melody celebrated her 26th birthday this last week with a BBQ. Seriously, BBQ's are the best, so thank you Melody for choosing this activity to commemorate your birth. The Shambaughs' house was filled with food and kids, and it was an absolute blast!

Below is Ethan next to Jenna (Stephanie Shambaugh's baby) who is only a couple weeks older than Ethan. I'm not sure if this picture does her justice, but Jenna is one of the cutest, CHUBBIEST babies I have ever seen! We had to get a picture of Ethan next to her. We have also decided that Ethan will someday date and marry Jenna (when they're 25 of course), so be excited about their wedding slide show.

Below is a picture of Callie (the Thuessons' baby) trying to get at the babies. Haha, she was so determined!

Below is a pic of Melody getting ready to blow her candles out, although she didn't have to worry about missing any candles, she had plenty of help - see pic below.

What is it with little kids and candles/cake?? They swarmed that thing like a pine tree on Christmas!

Below is a picture of Billy that he creepily took sometime between Melody's birthday and now. I found it and thought I would include it in this post! Haha...we'll see how long it takes him to realize this. Seriously, I can't wait to hear his explanation for snapping this shot!


Mary-Anne said...

Yay! That BBQ was way fun. We need to have LOTS more this summer!! I'm excited!