Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby B you have probably guessed by our title, we are expecting a new addition to our small family! We are 12 weeks along, and baby b is expected to make his/her first appearance April 30, 2009. We are so excited to have a little bundle of joy - although I have to tell you, it has not been a bundle of joy thus far. When it comes out we're going to have a little talky-talk about all this morning sickness stuff!

Today we had our second appointment at the doctor and it went really well! By the way, our doctor is the bomb - he paid for medical school by going on Jeopardy - how awesome is that? You KNOW he's a winner with those kinds of credentials. During the ultrasound, we got to see our little baby's heartbeat, and then our baby just started jumping around, it was the cutest thing! I feel like it was performing for us....showing us how freakin' awesome he/she is. Because she IS awesome...I mean he/she....


Bethany said...

Oh my goodness, Kera! Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you. So your baby and Brooke will be.... what - 2nd cousins? Or 1st cousins twice removed? Either way, I am so excited and LOVE YOUR BLOG. Ours is