Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pregnancy & Food

So, before I got pregnant, I had heard many things about the weird cravings I could expect, but nothing could have prepared me for the real thing! First of all, it's not just cravings, it's LIFE or DEATH! I have to eat every 2 to 3 hours, and it is absolutely NOT an option to skip any meal. All of a sudden I feel a rage inside me and remember that it is time to feed - and I pretty much growl like a dog if anyone (Billy) gets in my way. In fact, the other day I couldn't figure out what to make for lunch, and while I was trying to decide Billy tried to talk to me. I absolutely flipped out and couldn't stop crying - because of the food!'s been interesting.

Aside from the hunger-induced rage, there are also cravings to consider. Now, I haven't had too many crazy cravings, most of which I feel are just my body getting what it needs. Before I got pregnant I would never have had a glass of plain milk, and now I can't get enough of it. We (and by "we" I mean "I") go through 2 gallons of milk a week now! But a fun craving I have had in the past week is for relish hot dogs from Orange Julius - and no other hot dogs will do. Luckily I have a wonderful husband that just doesn't ask questions!


Denisha Oldroyd said...

Ha ha Kera that is great! Billy is such a cutie! I wish you still lived down here more than ever now!!!!! Ugh... (by the way, Alex and I had a great lengthed discussion about what exactly this baby would be to us... i think we found out that it would be a cousin... ha ha. Miss you guys!

Leila said...

KERA!!!! How am I so behind on the times...I didn't know you have a blog, that you moved to Salem, or that you are PREGNANT!!! Why aren't you here?! We could have crazy pregnancy episodes together! Okay, so you have to email me your address because I need to send The Office back to you. Have a great day and try to enjoy the pregnancy, once the baby's here- there is no going back!!!